Relevant Narratives in Rising Cairn

Describe an area of literacy acquisition that interests you AND list at least 6 of the Literacy Narratives that might be relevant for your project.

A part of literacy acquisition that interests me is child prodigy stories that indicate some level of a hero complex. I think a lot of children that see themselves as prodigies also have a tendency to prioritize self-glorification rather than acknowledging the system that made them successful.

Relevant Narratives:

  1. Austin Scaglione – Learning not to hate English
  2. Sam Michaud – Passion for writing
  3. Hunter Ellis – Gram, why are you crying
  4. Abby – The giving tree and me
  5. Cali Wood – Literacy 1.2.2
  6. Sarah Manuels – Gaining independence
  7. Dustin Tripp – North Wayne
  8. Ashley Levesque – Revising Literacy Narrative