We were tasked with writing a history paper drawing from World War II letters as our primary sources. External sources were also allowed. From this paper, we would be creating museum-worthy panels to present in an exhibit. Below you will find brief guidelines given to us as well as a link to my work.
Your primary task this semester is to identify and research a specific topic related to our selected exhibit themes and write an exhibit text panel and/or caption (a shorter text panel) sharing your story, using a combination of primary and secondary historical sources. To reach that goal, assigned course work will help you gain experience with a variety of research, analytical and writing skills. You will first craft a mini-paper exploring your topic, using a combination of primary and secondary historical sources. From this paper, we will work to extract a concise, rich and engaging text panel and along the way write multiple drafts as we consider what stories our exhibit will tell. In addition to independent work, there will be considerable group work as we combine some historical stories into longer narratives and as we think about the design of the exhibit.