Peer Review

Paper 2 -Peer review

At the start of the year, when participating in peer review, I spent a good portion of my review process focusing on grammatical errors and very little time on the arguments. In my peer review now, I have the ability to take the work completed and encourage more engagement and development in their tasks. For example, in the linked paper, I suggest that evidence should be added to increase complexity within the paper in comment 3. Later in the paper, I suggest that my peer could develop her paper and include an additional paragraph on a topic that I can see her leaning towards or that could easily be incorporated. As I continue to develop this skill I want to focus on looking beyond the local level and taking a more global perspective on why specific evidence and explanations are needed to help further my peer’s argument. It would also be beneficial to address how to use the evidence and explanation effectively within their writing. As of now, I have focused on how the evidence brought to light is effective in conveying an argument. In the future, it would be interesting to address the organization locally within a paragraph and how that affects the paper globally.