Psy 105 – Intro to Psychology

Official Course Description

“This course is an overview of the major areas of psychology, what psychologists do, and the methods employed in the investigation of basic psychological processes underlying human and animal behavior. Areas reviewed may include history, physiological psychology, learning theories, cognition, motivation, emotion, perception and sensation, human development, social psychology, abnormal psychology, therapy, and psychological issues of current debate in popular culture. The concepts examined will be linked to everyday reasoning and life. The course will consist of both lecture and class discussions. Lectures are designed to extend what is in the text, not to reiterate what you have read in the chapters. I will also be lecturing on material not covered by the text. All material, from both lecture and the text, may appear on the exams.

My Course Description

We discuss, on a basic level, the several topics within the psychology umbrella. These topics offer a slight window into possible courses that are available as more comprehensive learning.

What I did in Psy 105

APA Style Article Review -a summary of a research article with an overview of the introduction and hypotheses, methods, results and discussion sections. In addition, a summary of how the article read is similar to, extends on, or is different from the information in an NPR Hidden Brain podcast. This offers an exposure to the ways researchers can communicate about their findings outside of academia, while also providing practice reading peer-reviewed research articles.