We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

I’m the mom friend which means I am always taking care of my friends and making sure they are being responsible. This means that I have my own mini family that I take seriously. What’s a family without raw moments that make you question every decision you’ve ever made. The “Brady Bunch” collage was inspired by those that make up my family outside of blood. Four of the seven people are friends from before college that I am still super close with. The three people in the far right column helped me get through my first year at UNE and I hope to spend many more year making memories with them. I most likely had the look on my face that is featured in this collage moments before snapping all of these pictures. My best friend, the top center person, says that I have a really good mom look which I may or may not use 90% of the time I’m in a social setting 🙂


Larger image available here.
